C'mon everybody, I can't believe nobody mentioned the best song of all time
Those lyrics, that haunting melody
With a happy, flowing lilt.
From house to house, from door to door, Je-ho-vah's Word we spread.
From town to town, from farm to farm, Je-ho-vah's "sheep" are fed
This good news that God's king-dom rules, As Je-sus Christ fore-told
Is be-ing preached through-out the earth ;By Chris-tians young and old
From house to house, from door to door Sal-va-tion we pro-claim
It comes up-on all those who call UYp-on Je-ho-vah's name.
But how can they call on the name of One they do not know?
So to their hous-es and their doors The Sa-cred Name must go.
Of course it's not at ev-'ry door We find a hear-ing ear;
At times their is a scold-ing tounge, and those who will not hear.
'Twas just the same in Je-sus' day, Not all would hear his word.
He said his "sheep" would hear his voice; hence we are not de-terred
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Musical Interlude>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Then let us go form door to door to spread the King-dom news.
And wheth-er they are "sheep" or "goats" we'll let the peo-ple choose.
At least we'll name Je-ho-vah's name, His glo-rious truths de-clare
And as we go from door to door, We'll find his "sheep" are there.
After typing all that, I need to go barf